Fotografski ciklus Schloss vizualizira fantazmagoriju čiji se protagonisti uronjeni u vječnu konteplaciju trude složiti slagalicu izgubljenog (psihodijagnostičkog) znanja. Ovaj fotografski niz inspiriran je kritikama Rorschachovog testa, testa tematske apercepcije (TAT) i testa crtanja slike čovjeka pod nazivom What’s Wrong with This Picture? (Scott O. Lilienfeld, James M. Wood i Howard N. Garb) u svibnju 2001. objavljenim u časopisu Scientific American.
Photography cycle Schloss (Castle) reveals a phantasmagoria where protagonists in perennially and deep contemplation try to set a puzzle of lost psycho-diagnostic knowledge. This cycle was inspired by criticism of Rorschach test which was published in Scientific American under the name – What’s Wrong with This Picture? (Scott O. Lilienfeld, James M. Wood and Howard N. Garb).